Yelp Ad Program Transition

 The Yelp Corporate Ad Program will end on May 31, 2024. While there were benefits to the program, they did not outweigh the need for boutiques to be in control of their ad spend, targeting, etc. Starting June 1st, we will go back to the program we had in 2022 with only Enhanced listings (permitting other brands ads from showing up on your Yelp page), covered by the Brand Fund. The $500/mo. in ads per boutique from the Brand Fund will end. Boutiques will have the following options moving forward:

  • Option 1: Continue minimum $500/mo. in Yelp ads managed by the Enterprise Yelp Team
    • Boutiques selecting this option will continue to have ads managed by the Enterprise Yelp Team. All Yelp ad funds will be invoiced and funds drafted monthly along with all other incremental ad spend.
  • Option 2: Manage Yelp ads on your own
    • Boutiques selecting this option will be put in contact with regional Yelp Franchise Team representatives to assist you in setting up or restarting individual boutique ad accounts
  • Option 3: Will not run Yelp ads at this time

Please select and submit your option for your boutique(s) below by May 15th. 

Boutiques that do not complete this form will be opted into Option 3 – Will not run Yelp Ads at this time. 

Yelp Ad Management Selection(Required)